If you have issues relating to sexual anxiety, you could consult a doctor with whom you are comfortable to share and discuss your personal sex problems. The doctor will examine you physically and help you find your problem by conducting a few tests on your body. After examination, the doctor will give you medication.
During a doctor examination, the doctor will ask you about your previous sexual problems that you suffered already to get an overall idea about your anxiety problem. You can also tell the doctor about your thoughts on sex and how you feel during intimate sessions. The doctor will suggest therapies and medications. These medications can help you deal with your sexual problems and to overcome anxiety, there are few steps to follow to solve sexual anxiety.
- Have an open conversation with the therapist.
First, you have to get an appointment with your doctor or therapist. The main function of therapy is to help you find your problem and to solve the issue from the roots. You can follow other techniques like
penis exercise to gain total control over your penile erection.
Talking about your problem with your partner can help you reduce your anxiety. With better conversation it could help you both to come to a solution together, This will also improve your relationship and thus help you to connect with your partner more effectively.
- Get intimate without sex.
There are many ways to be intimate without sexual intercourse. Kiss, hug and massage your partner in a very delicate manner, you can also take a warm bath together. Take turns and help each other enjoy their sex through masturbation and foreplay so that the worries about your sexual performance can be kept aside. Exercise can also be the best mood booster for both men and women and help them feel more secure and safe.
Turn on some romantic music or a romantic movie while you are having sex to distract your mind from anxious thoughts. Thinking about the things that turn you on more than anything can help. Reducing the thoughts about sexual performance can really help you perform better.
Finally, don't pressurise yourself because of your anxiety, it can be cured with proper medications and therapy so there is nothing to worry about your sexual activity. Now forget about anxiety and enjoy sex like everyone by following the above-mentioned tips.