Penis enlargement exercise: most famous and effective exercises for bigger penis

Does the size of the penis matter? This is a question that has confused men all over the world for ages. Many are confused if they have the perfect size for playful sex. A bigger penis is not only important for better sex life but it also boosts your self-confidence in bed.

Recently the survey done on Pornhub showed that whether the penis size attracts women and according to that survey it has confirmed that women are more into the bigger penis than men and to impress women almost every man wants a bigger and attractive penis.

Many of them have tried all penis enlargement methods whether it's penis enlargement gels or cream. So, if you are in search of penis enlargement methods then you are here at the right place.

To enlarge your penis is not as hard as you think. You can make your penis bigger without using expensive creams and gels. You can get a bigger penis at home. Wondering how? Then look forward and see here.

So, do you want to lift your penis? Then here are some penis enlargement exercises that you can try at home according to your comfort and with these penis enlargement exercises, you can make your erection stronger and harder.

Penis enlargement exercises to naturally increase penis size


Jelqing is very simple and easy to perform but it's an effective penis enlargement exercise that will improve the size and hardness of the penis.

How to perform?

Be sure that your penis is erect partially and we use oil as a lubricant. Hold your penis with your thumb and index finger at the base. Hold near the pelvic bone. Move your hand slowly over your penis with light pressure and stop moving your hand below the head of the penis.

And this is called one jelq and it should last 2-3seconds. This process will pump blood to the penis without causing any pain and again repeat the process for more erection.

Kegel exercise

Kegel exercise will help you to get a thicker penis. Doing kegel exercise regularly will help to achieve a stronger and long-lasting erection as it will increase blood circulation to the penis. You only need 30minutes to perform this penis enlargement exercise.

How to do kegel?

First, identify your pubococcygeus muscle. You can identify your PC muscle by stopping the flow of urine. The muscle that is engaged in stopping it is the PC muscle. Now hold the muscle for 5seconds and slowly release it.

Give a break and repeat the procedure as many times as you want. You have to do kegel exercise for 30minutes everyday to improve your erection quality.


Stretching is the poplar penis enlargement exercise to increase the penis length. You just need 5minutes to do this popular exercise.

How to do stretching?

Hold your penis behind its head. Hold your penis manually and pull it down towards the knee you will feel a stretch in your penis without any pain or discomfort. Hold your penis in that posture for at least 20-30secods.

Then slowly bring your penis to its original position and again pull it upwards and hold there for 20-30 seconds and again bring it back to the original position and relax.
Rotating Stretch

This is similar to stretching but it is a little different. You will need 5minutes time to do this exercise.

How to do a rotating stretch?

Hold your penis below its head and firmly pull it upward. You will feel some stretch into your penis body without any pain. Now move your penis slowly and firmly in a circular motion by maintaining the stretch.

Use your other hand and rotate your penis in a clockwise and anticlockwise direction. One rotation should be of 30seconds and do three rotations for each direction.

Opposite stretch

Opposite stretch is an effective penis enhancement exercise to make your penis bigger and harder without any pain.

How to do the opposite stretch?

Hold your penis manually below the head. With an OK-sign hold your penis from the base with another hand and pull your hands in the opposite direction. Pull your hand upward near the head and down near the base without hurting your penis and you should feel stretched.

Hold your penis in that posture for 30seconds and then be calm. Repeat this method until you get the desired erection.

Weight lifting

Weight lifting is a straight exercise that doctors suggest to do for a healthy life. If you don't know that weight lifting is a very effective exercise to improve sexual life too. Weight lifting helps the body to improve the production of testosterone.

To improve your sexual activity do some short exercises like push-ups and crunches that will help you to lead a better sex life by stretching your shoulder and chest. Strong body strength will boost sexual stamina and enhance your duration of intercourse.

Yoga an effective sex exercise

Doing yoga every day will allow your body to do creative posture for pleasure during sex. Yoga will improve flexibility which can help to achieve better sex. Yoga will improve pelvic muscles that will build up your sexual stamina and energy.

Aerobic exercise

In a study, it has been observed that 3000 men over the age of 50 who tried aerobic exercise have noticed a lower risk of erectile dysfunction. Aerobic exercise helps to reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction by improving blood circulation that helps to achieve a stronger and longer erection.

This exercise prevents heart disease and naturally improves your sexual life by increasing the timing of your sexual performance.

Try out some of the above-mentioned penis enlargement exercises that will improve your overall sexual performance in terms of endurance and erection quality.

On top of that if you will perform some of these exercises regularly you will get a bigger and thicker penis that you always desire for. With these penis exercises, you will notice increased sexual stamina and energy and you can achieve pleasurable sex to fully satisfy your better half without any complaint.
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