Reduce alcohol consumption Alcohol has a different effect on different human beings and alcohol can also reduce sensation in your sex organ and reduces the sensation and decreases the want for sex.
Foreplay Doing foreplay such as kissing hugging and oral sex is important for improved sex time and pleasure.
Lubrication You can also use natural lubricants such and oil to reduce the feeling of pressing and there is also some insensitivity spray that can be used to increase the longevity of sex.
Squeezing the penis When you feel you are going to climax, use your hand to squeeze the penis to prevent ejaculation.
Doctor Consulting It is normal to have lesser stamina sometimes but if you are always weak and unable to perform properly it could be a medical issue and you should not be afraid to consult a doctor if you are having the following symptoms.
Make a meeting with a specialist or other medical professionals if you have the following symptoms:
- If you have pain in your sex organ consult the doctor.
- If you are unable to ejaculate or cant attain orgasms.
- If you have a poor erection.
- If you have lesser sensitivity.
- If blood is seen with sex fluids.